
King’s House Conference Centre are recruiting!

King’s House Conference Centre is the business that King’s Church owns and runs through the King’s House building. We love to serve people and make use of our fantastic city centre building to host events such as meetings, training courses, exams, away days and large conferences.

We are looking to grow and develop the family business further again this year and would like to fill the advertised roles to help us achieve continued excellence and growth. Would you like to consider whether you are the right candidate for any of the advertised roles:

Flexible Hours Conference Workers

(Multiple posts)

We are looking to increase the pool of Flexible Hours Workers. This team makes the day-to-day aspects of conferencing happen. Workers will have a variety of availability: parents looking for work during school hours, university students filling gaps between study, those with plenty of life experience looking for a few hours to keep you busy, those between jobs; this position could work for you. The role is varied and can be at times quite physically demanding with moving and carrying equipment or serving refreshments for periods of time.
If this interests you, please read the job description and complete the application form below.

No specific closing date. We will close when we receive sufficient applications.